St John's C of E Primary School



Music is dedicated to fostering a deep love of music. Music plays a significant part in the life of St. John’s School. All pupils have the opportunity to take part in lively class, music lessons, singing in Collective Worship performances at Christmas, Easter and in the summer and learning to play instruments.

Music Curriculum

Music lesson start from year one and follow through to year six. From Year 3, weekly lessons are with our specialist music teacher. Music is a key part of our curriculum across the EYFS. Music lessons are rooted in theory with a strong emphasis on performance. From nursery through to Year 6, music lessons are designed to nurture and challenge. We aim for all of our children to become accomplished, young musicians, sharing their achievements through regular individual and group performances.

Please view our Subject Statement for Music here

Music Scheme

 The Charanga scheme is used to support classroom teaching of the music curriculum but is adapted to allow creative and cross curricular links to learning. This is in line with the guidance for the model, music curriculum (singing, listening, composing, musicianship). There are four modules in each year group that are studied throughout the year. In Years 3 and 4, pupils participate in classroom instrumental lessons, learning the recorder. In Years 5 and 6, pupils learn to play the ukulele.

Instruments, including tuned and untuned percussion instruments and music technology are accessed in lessons – ensuring no child is excluded from music including pupils with SEND.


Singing in his part of our curriculum learning. Each week, pupils participate in singing Collective Worship where they develop a range of voice and performance skills. people will sing from an established repertoire and explore a broad range of diverse songs and compositions that complements their wider creative curriculum. There is also the opportunity to enjoy the spiritual joy of singing and being together as a community.
Our Year 5 perform a Christmas Carol Service for the church and additional service for local community and congregation of St. John’s Church.


Pupils aged 7 to 11 are invited to join our choir. The choir rehearsal weekly during term time with our specialist music teacher and supportive assistants. Singers enjoy a very broad repertoire of songs that cumulate in several concerts and a trip to the Young Voices concert at the O2 arena in London.


We have weekly iRock lessons and currently have a number of rock band bands from Years 1 to 6. Peoples are taught in school time and vertical bands. Children will have the opportunity to learn to play drums, guitar, keyboards, or sing. There are free performances that Parents attends. If you’re interested in your child, take your part in iRock, please speak to member of our office staff

Instrumental Lessons

In addition, we offer specialist, one-to-one instrumental, tuition in piano, guitar, and keyboard. We have a highly experience and dedicated team of peripatetic teachers who worked with us to deliver music lessons. People premium pupils are supported to access these sessions and costs subsidized or fully funded by the school.


Summer and Christmas concerts are performed by the choir, peoples who have participated in instrumental lessons or those just wanting sing to sing or play their instruments. This is an opportunity to celebrate their progress and inspire new musicians.

In The Future

St. John’s aims to increase the opportunities to listen to live music played by professionals through whole school Collective Worship and external provider.

Listen to some of our music

 Click on each photo to hear some of the songs we sung at the 02 for Young Voices 2025/docs/music/sounds/The-O2-2.mp3